21.01. | Lass deiner Kreativität freien Lauf beim Art Jam im vibrant space of PHOENIX in Altona!

Infos zum Event:

Get ready to splash some color and let your creativity run wild.

​On Sunday, January 21st, the vibrant space of PHOENIX in Altona, Hamburg will transform into a canvas of possibilities from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

​Whether you’re a seasoned painter or a curious newbie, this jam is all about getting those creative juices flowing. This is a day where your inner artist will come out to play. Meet other artsy pals and chill together in community doing what we like doing the most: creating.

​This is an initiative from 105 VIERTEL to gather creators in Hamburg under one roof, connect them and offer them room and visibility.


​Is the event for free?

​Absolutely. We are happy if you come, connect and enjoy. However, registration is mandatory.

​Shall I bring my own materials?

​Yes, your should bring your materials, sketchbooks or even you iPad – if you normally draw digitally. We will also provide a few crayons, watercolors and paper that you can borrow on the day.

​Is there food and drinks?

​PHOENIX will be offering a variety of drinks, snacks and cakes on the day. We have you covered here!

​What about music & performances?

​We are currently curating our live artists for the day. Would you like to be one of them and get in the spotlight? If you are playing an instrument, singing or would be down to live painting, fill up this form and we will get in touch with you.

​Looking forward to seeing you there!

​The 105 Viertel Team

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21. Januar 2024
11:00 - 18:00 Uhr
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