19.12. | Spektakuläre Holzschnitte und hunderte Zeichnungen – Letzte Chance die Ausstellung von Jörg Heikhaus in THE MISSION zu besuchen!

Infos zum Event:

Our final show of the year at The MISSION in Kaiser-Wilhelm-Strasse will be a performative exhibition by Jörg Heikhaus, who is preparing an intense artistic action in the space, consisting of an apocalyptic installation and his largest woodcuts to date, in which his two artist identities Alex Diamond and Flaum van Kreuzen will collide for the first time.

In the basement of the premises, independent of the main exhibition, 100+ new drawings by the artist will be displayed.

they all must be slaughtered

Just the sea, wild and vast. Stirred up by the storm. Clouds that ripple like waves. Moonlight tearing bright spots into deep dark water, like glimmers of hope in an endless, black night. Rocks against which the surf crashes, like citadels in a furious battle.

This is the emotion with which the new, oversized woodcuts by Jörg Heikhaus aka Alex Diamond were created, in weeks of work: starting with the construction of the image carriers in their unusual formats, followed by a stormy, passionate application of paint with broad brushes, and finally in countless hours of carving, using blades no wider than 1 and 3 millimeters. The compositions draw inspiration from classical maritime painting of the 19th century, such as that of Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817–1900). However, through the formats, coloration, and never-ending lines of the waves, they also strongly evoke apocalyptic themes and are not a mere reproduction of nature.

Like most works by Jörg Heikhaus, these new pieces are a reaction to our increasingly dehumanized society and a statement reflecting the artist’s personal stance on our interactions in these challenging, threatening times.

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(©heliumcowboy artspace)
19. Dezember 2023
15:00 - 18:00 Uhr
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