27.01. | Lust auf Techno Party? Dann auf zu Bad Pressure Night #3 im Stellwerk

Infos zum Event:

And on we go with our next Bad Pressure Night!!!

This night will stand for deep, dirty and driving sets from 135bpm to 150bpm. Raw and Groove Techno in it’s purest way.
This time our Pressure Train departs on the 27.01.2024 at 22:59 from the 3⁄4 rail at Harburg Station, also known as Stellwerk Hamburg.

You know what’s up when the BadFem Crew is on stage… 100% badass female DJ power.
As a little suprise we will have a special guest this time offering a FLINTA* newcomer a slot amongst us.

𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘂𝗽 (𝗮-𝘇)
– Majandra (Bad Feminists)
– Sushi
– VIRGIN!A (Bad Feminists)

Please have in mind that our events always serve as a safe space for all. We will not tolerate any kind of –ISMS! Reach out to us, the bar or entrance staff if any problems occur.

We want you to feel as free as possible…so come as you are!
We would advice to put on some good dancing shoes though because we will make u dance all night long!

See u on the dancefloor!

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27. Januar 2024
23:00 Uhr
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9,40 Euro
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