02.03. | Komm zum DER MARKT – Tattoo & Lifestyle im Mexikoring 29 und treffe talentierte Tattoo-Künstler und eine kreative Gemeinschaft

(© Leonie Alma)

Infos zum Event:

DER MARKT is a unique gathering of talented tattoo artists, carefully curated and passionate about their craft. By limiting the number of our experienced professionals, we ensure a higher quality for our attendees and provide an opportunity for everyone to connect with like-minded individuals.

Most importantly, it's a safe and inspiring environment, a thriving community dedicated to pushing the boundaries of tattoo artistry.

We carefully select our artists based on their experience, skill, and unique style. To ensure the uniqueness of each tattoo, we encourage artists to design custom pieces tailored to the individual event.


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02. März 2025
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