28.04. | Die ein oder andere Überraschung wartet auf dich bei der 300. Sneak-Preview im Savoy!

Infos zum Event:

Rated 18

The Friday-Late-Night-Sneak-Show at the Savoy Filmtheater! A feature-length surprise sneak preview screened before its German theatrical release.

We show our OV-Sneak on Friday evenings as a late-night show.
As a supporting program we show a short film (guest contributions are welcome!).

On a few weekends (e.g. due to special film releases or the Fantasy Filmfest) we sometimes suspend the sneak.
There are no subscriptions. The ticket costs 6,50 Euro in the stalls and 8,50 Euro in the boxes. Students receive a 1,- Euro discount on the box price.

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28. April 2023
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