08.02. | French-German Friendship Concert im Klubhaus St. Pauli – Lass dich von LUNATTACK UND ELEPHANT MEMORIES begeistern!

Infos zum Event:

Tickets: 10 €
Ticket sales will be donated to Ärzte ohne Grenzen

Exciting news to share! – get ready for a night of electrifying music and cross-cultural connections! Brace yourselves for the French-German Friendship Concert featuring the powerhouse rock wave of LUNATTACK AND ELEPHANT MEMORIES in 2024! Let’s break down borders and amplify the universal language of rock! 🤩✌

A French (Elephant Memories) German (Lunattack) collaboration, Lunattack and Elephant Memories weave together an inspiring combination of cultural influences set against a fluid rock backdrop that is intriguing, progressive and female fueled.


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08. Februar 2024
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