04.02. | Erlebe Glass Spells live im Hafenklang und genieße die Synthie-Pop Klänge!

(© Glass Spells)

Infos zum Event:

Glass Spells // Synthie Pop // San Diego, USA

Glass Spells is a synth-pop band from San Diego, California. The band is comprised of two members, Anthony Ramirez and Tania Costello. Anthony is the instrumentalist of the group, bringing his wide array of skills to the production of their unique sound. Tania is the vocalist, providing the powerful and emotive lyrics and melodies that have become a hallmark of the band. Their music is a mix of modern synth-pop and retro-inspired sounds, with an emphasis on dreamy atmosphere and infectious hooks. Together, they have created a sound that is both innovative and nostalgic, and has gained them a devoted fan base.

Tickets: Dice: https://link.dice.fm/Gb4c4c2ca2ce Tixforgigs: https://www.tixforgigs.com/Event/61248

Eintritt: VVK: 16.00€ , AK: 20.00€ | Open: 19:00 | Start: 20:00

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04. Februar 2025
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