31.01. | Komm zur GOBLYN Album Release Show in der KOMET Musik Bar und erlebe die Band mit ihrem neuen Album „Stray“


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la pochette surprise records presents…

GOBLYN • ALBUM RELEASE SHOW Hamburg, KOMET Musik Bar 31.01.2025 – 9pm

Goblyn's debut album "Stray" will be out January 24th 2025. https://lapochettesurprise.de/products/goblyn-stray

Noble robbers in devil's garb – “The Goblins”, John Suckling (1638)

The post-punk duo from Hamburg paints a hypnotically dark image of a world that is melting away.

Songs that resemble a fragile dystopia of crumbling concrete, breaking steel and shattering glass: the sounds of a city devouring itself.

MORSLEBEN (Visualizer): https://youtu.be/5MMu6LNg2yk?si=irsy4ghMcgiv-7RP

GOBLYN =================================== IG: https://www.instagram.com/i.hate.goblyn/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/i.hate.goblyn Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/…/0eIcPoVGsD4U7eAlRRL10j…

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31. Januar 2025
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