18.11. | Für Konzertliebhaber: Verpasse nicht Klaus Johann Grobe im Molotow und genieße melancholische Klänge!

(© Klaus Johann Grobe)

Infos zum Event:

Six years have passed since their last long player «Du bist so symmetrisch» and you’ll hear they’ve come a long way. «Io tu il loro» was written over two weeks in a cabin at the very end of a remote Swiss valley. Pretty much at the same place, Klaus Johann Grobe came up with their whole «Im Sinne der Zeit» LP in 2014. What started out as making music again quickly turned into making a record. Once decided, the whole thing was finished rather quickly and recorded once again at David Langhards Dala Studio at the end of 2022. «Io tu il loro» is a record that cannot be done by endlessly fiddling around with hundreds of ideas and sounds. All it needed was a real break (Dani and Sevi didn’t work on any Grobe related stuff until they met up in the mountains in 2022). It’s an album with a blurry vision and soft limitations. You can somehow feel them looking back on all their work forgivingly and then moving on to what felt right. So here we are with nine tracks full of embracing warmth, so melancholicly welcoming you don’t know if you want to smile or cry. Some might call it timeless, some might call it dad-rock… well, it certainly isn’t disco for the masses, it’s more like, «If I can’t make myself dance after four beers, I can as well go home.» So, no disco? No syncopated synths? No German? No reverb? Where’s The Grobe? Take your time, you’ll notice Klaus Johann Grobe aren’t gone, they just took a turn before driving yet into another unknown.

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