18.10. | Neue Leute kennenlernen leicht gemacht! Make friends im Down Under macht es möglich

Infos zum Event:

🌟🌍 Come and join us at our exciting Make friends events! It’s a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, form meaningful connections, and engage in lively conversations across different languages (🎉We are international)! 🗣️🎈

🆓 Our events are kind of free! No entry fees involved. However, we kindly request you to order at least one beverage to support our generous host and keep our event going strong at the same spot. After all, we’re guests in their space! 😄

📝 Joining is super easy: Register on our website 🖥️, check out the date and time details on our Facebook page and just join us. 🗓️✅ Remember, registration is completely FREE! Don’t fall for ticket scams on Facebook! 🚫💸

🔄 Attention, Here’s a special tradition of our Facebook events: the 20-minute time remix! ⏰✨ If you notice a change in the event time (around 20 min after the starting time), don’t worry, it’s not a cancellation. It’s simply a way for us to keep the same links and connections intact, saving us some extra work.

🌟😄 Want to lend a hand?
🤝🎪 Become an event organizer with us (Contact us on What’s App: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LV410GPfNdOCB0mwrJ1yQJ )

📧 Have any questions? Feel free to contact us on Facebook.

🔗 Register to connect with us on various platforms in your city.

🌍 Curious to know more about us? Follow our BlaBla adventures (travel, events & fun): www.instagram.com/blablaontheway🚀🌈

Thank you & See you soon! 🎉🗣️

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18. Oktober 2023
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