17.10. | Lust auf elektronische und arabische Musik? Nadah El Shazly & Elvin Brandhi spielen im MS Stubnitz

Die MS Stubnitz an ihrem alten Liegeplatz: zu viele Lärmbeschwerden (©Maike im Hafen)

Infos zum Event:

electronic | arabic | cacophony carbon orchestra
Elvin Brandhi is an improvising lyricist, producer and sound artist from Bridgend, Wales, who builds aberrant beats from field recordings, tape, vinyl, instrument and voice.
Nadah el Shazly is a producer, vocalist and sound artist from Cairo, Egypt. Using voice, field recordings and instruments, she creates haunting sound pieces and songforms that hijack the perception of time with their complex layers and dynamic structure.
„In choosing to collaborate with a cacophony carbon orchestra, as an omnipresence feature, we embrace dissonance, and look into poetic ways of re-establishing intimacy. Pollution Opera was first conceived en route in Cairo, Kampala and Paris.“
Einlass 19:30 | Beginn 20:30
Vorverkauf 15€ (+ Gebühren + 1 ClubEuro fair-tix.de Spende)
Abendkasse 18€
Ermäßigter Eintritt an der Abendkasse für Schülerinnen, Studentinnen, Sozialhilfeempfänger*innen: 15€

Elvin Brandhi is an improvising lyricist, producer and sound artist from Bridgend, Wales, who builds aberrant beats from field recordings, tape, vinyl, instrument and voice. Using sound and voice as an expansive language transgressing intrinsic systemics and inherited syntactical etiquettes, her live shows are unyielding bursts of erupting animation where her caustic stream of consciousness cavorts with restless, glitched out heaviness. Her creative momentum comprises a range of collaborations and an endless nomadism.
Her first E.P ‘Shelf life’ was released on ‘C.A.N.V.A.S’ in 2018. She one half of father / daughter noise-improv berserkers Yeah You who released on Alter, Slip, Opal, Psychik Dancehall and Good Food. She also performs in collaborations such as the Avril Spleen project with Joseph Jadame (maltash), Bahk with Daniel Blumberg (MUTE), as well as contributions to Drew Mcdowall’s agalma, just to name a few.

Nadah el Shazly is a producer, vocalist and sound artist from Cairo, Egypt. Her debut album “Ahwar” radically reinvents the popular music of her homeland from the early 19th century and explores new sonic and harmonic frontiers. Using voice, field recordings and instruments, she creates haunting sound pieces and songforms that hijack the perception of time with their complex layers and dynamic structure.
Backing up her release with extensive worldwide touring through a solo set and a four-piece band, El Shazly has been featured in local and international festivals including Irtijal, Le Guess Who?, REWIRE, Best Kept Secret, Nusasonic, Marfa Myths, amongst others. She continues to compose for film and visual art and has been featured on compilations including Nashazphone’s This is Cairo Not the Screamers and C.A.N.V.A.S.’ s Apocope.

Omar El-Sadek
Illustration: Simone Kesting

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©MS Stubnitz
17. Oktober 2023
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