09.09. | Du bist rothaarig? Dann musst Du unbedingt zum Rothaarigentreffen Deutschland 2023 im Jupiter

Infos zum Event:

English Version:
Redheads from all over Germany will once again gather in the city of Hamburg when „Redhead Day Germany“ returns! On Saturday, September 9th from 4 pm (16:00) on, the Jupiter (former Karstadt) in the famous Mönckebergstraße opens its doors to celebrate the great meeting of us redheads in the „Hanseatische Materialverwaltung im Exil“ on the roof terrace with a view over Hamburg city.
The „Redhead Day Germany“ meeting is the ideal opportunity for everyone who shares and celebrates red hair to meet and connect with each other. The highlight is the group photo, where we bring all redheads together for an unforgettable group photo, especially for all who can’t join the original Redhead Days in Tilburg.
The Event Highlights:
Starting 4 pm (16:00) – Participants are invited to meet on the 5th floor of Jupiter at the Hanseatic Materials Administration in Exile.
4:30 pm (16:30) – The big group photo: all redheads will gather and pose for the photo that will capture this unforgettable moment.
From 5 pm (17:00) Open end – Group photo celebration: Our photographer will pick the best photo, which will be presented on a big screen on-site and published on social media channels. We’ll give everybody the opportunity to celebrate the photo together at the bar with a drink of their choice, to chat with each other, and to make new friends.
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, September 9th 2023
Start meeting: 4 pm (16:00)
Location: Jupiter, 5th floor HMV in Exil, Mönckebergstraße 2-4, Hamburg.
Highlight: Group photo at 4:30 pm (16:30)
Entry: Free
If you have any press or event-related questions, please contact us via: info@mc1r-magazine.com

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09. September 2023
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