03.11. | Tanzkurzfilme und digitale Tanzinstallationen: Das TANZAHOi international Festival for Dance im Metropolis Kino

Infos zum Event:

  1. – 4. November 2023
    · Metropolis Kino (Kleine Theaterstr. 10, 20354 Hamburg)
    · Tickets: Metropolis Kino box office, online link –> {https://www.metropoliskino.de/home?film=1156}
    · Program & Info: {https://tanzahoi.org}

TANZAHOi’s annual festival brings international short dance films and digital dance installations to Metropolis Kino in November under an experimental concept for curation.

  1. November 2023 // 16:45 – 22:30
  2. November 2023 // 16:00 – 22:30

TANZAHOi International Festival for Dance presents an exciting program consisting of international short dance films and digital dance installations on November 3 and 4. The films are grouped under five themes, Dance as Ritual, Identity, Nature and Environments, Beyond Body and Space, and Social Issues. In addition, the Panorama Special Program features films by Hamburg-based artists and international guests. Digital dance installations exploring the intersection of technology and dance, including AR, VR and visual effects, will be shown in the foyer of the Metropolis Kino, curated in collaboration with tanz:digital, TANZRAUSCHEN and Moovy Festival. The festival will open with a panel discussion on Web 3.0 and the impact of decentralization on creative work. The Claussen-Simon-Stiftung Feature Award and the Audience Choice Award will be presented to films from the main program. The audience will have the opportunity to engage in conversation with the artists during an Artist Talk. Day-Tickets are available at the Metropolis Kino box office as well as online. TANZAHOi aims to push the boundaries of collaboration in the digital dance world and offer a fascinating film program to artists and audiences alike.
Join us for this year’s festival!

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©TANZAHOi – International Dance and Dance Film Festival Hamburg
03. November 2023
ab 8 Euro
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