17.10. | Schnapp dir dein Team und nutzt euer Wissen bei der The Baby Goat Barn Quiz Night auf St. Pauli!

Infos zum Event:

Pub Quiz Night at The Baby Goat Barn

The most fun you can have sitting down! Book your team in now! Time to test your mental agility against the GOAT Quiz-Master and other teams. Get ready for 6 rounds of hardcore trivia, including music, general knowledge and picture quizzes.

👉🏼 The quiz starts promptly at 20:00.
👉🏼 Teams of up to a max of 6 GOATs.
👉🏼 Top prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and a ‘Triers’ award for our last place.
👉🏼 And of course, Spot prizes as well!

Get your team together and come along to The Barn for an evening of Pizza, fresh beer and questions.

Bookings essential! Please book here:

See you there!

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© the baby goat barn
17. Oktober 2023
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