07.05. | Im Planetarium berichten Gäste der ESA über die neue Mission zum Jupiter – Europas Aufbruch zu den Eismonden

Infos zum Event:

At the end of April, the European Space Agency, ESA, will launch its latest research mission: The „Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer“, or „JUICE“, will travel to Jupiter and its icy moons. On this occasion, representatives of ESA are our guests on the stage of Planetarium Hamburg: The mission heads of „JUICE“ will report on Jupiter and its moons, on the „JUICE“ spaceship, and on its research goals: What is found under the ice of the „Europa“ ? And what mysteries will Jupiter itself reveal to us? Join us on a fascinating voyage of discovery to the „King of the Planets“ and his companions! The event will be presented in English, and will be broadcast live from Hamburg to the participating planetariums worldwide.

Eintritt: 12,- Euro, ermäßigt 7,50 Euro. Dauer ca. 90 Minuten.

Diese Veranstaltung findet vollständig auf Englisch statt.

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