21.08. | Yoga on the Move – Jeden Montagabend ist auf der Dachterrasse des Jupiter Outdoor Vinyasa Yoga (EN) with Toni!

Infos zum Event:

Rooftop Yoga

Outdoor Vinyasa Yoga (EN) with Toni! Vinyasa Yoga unites breath and movement into a dynamic flow that grounds your body and mind in the present moment. Join us to flow under the open sky with the most beautiful views across Hamburg. Bring your own mat. All Levels are welcome – just come as you are!

Ab dem 31. Juli immer montags, 18:30 – 19:45 Uhr

Class Details:

CHECK-IN: Please show your booking confirmation at Check-In. 

WHAT TO BRING: Yoga mat, water bottle, towel and sun blocker. 

MEETING POINT: We are meeting at Jupiter Café for Check-In and take the elevator up to the terrace of Jupiter on the 6th floor together (only the right elevator goes all the way up to the top). Toilets are on the 5th floor at the Hanseatischen Materialverwaltung.

You also get to the rooftop through the balcony on the 5th floor via a staircase.

WEATHER: The night before we are checking the weather forecast. The class will be canceled in case it’s below 16 degrees and/or supposed to rain.

Enjoy your Class

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21. August 2023
18:30 – 19:45 Uhr
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