02.04. | Lust auf einen verrückten Abend? Stell dich dem PowerPoint-Karaoke und zeig deine Präsentations- und Improvisationskünste im Pierdrei Hotel

(© Pierre Pierre)

Infos zum Event:

"Well, I liked that you spoke freely and used a lot of pictures." Fed up with dry presentations and boring slides in the office, university or school? How about completely improvised presentations on a stage in front of an audience instead? With PowerPoint Karaoke, that's exactly what you get. Eight unsuspecting speakers enter the stage, not knowing what to expect and give give lectures on topics like "cats vs. printers", "vampires" or "important squares".

At the end, the audience decides who has won the event and has presented their slides the best.

Moderation: Klara Györbiro & Bene Belter

Admission time: 19:15 Uhr

Start: 20:00 Uhr

Click here for tickets: https://www.tixforgigs.com/de-DE/Event/54592

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02. April 2024
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